Social Inclusion/ Exclusion


Professor Peter Somerville“The overall focus of the Social Inclusion/ Exclusion group has been on research that can be used to support the empowerment of subaltern groups.”

– Prof Peter Somerville

Governance and Regulation | Global Civil Society and Human Rights | Pedagogy
> Social Inclusion/ Exclusion | Participation and Representation

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Dr Sundari Anitha
Senior Lecturer

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Catherine Bochel
Principal Lecturer

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Prof Hugh Bochel

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Mrs Sue Bond-Taylor
Senior Lecturer

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Dr Jan Dobbernack

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Dr Tina Haux

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Dr Leslie Hicks

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Dr Ana Jordan
Senior Lecturer

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Prof Steve McKay
Distinguished Professor in Social Research

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Prof Carol Walker
Professor of Social Policy

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Dr Andrew Wallace
Senior Lecturer

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South Asian women: Striking women: South Asian workers’ struggles in the UK labour market – from Grunwick to Gate Gourmet, Anitha, AHRC, 2012/13, £81,042

Transnational abandonment of South Asian women: a new form of violence against women, Anitha, British Academy, 2013/16, £29,172

Change Together, Anitha, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2010, £3,500 (out of total £20,000 led by Asha Projects).

On disadvantaged families and young people: Evaluation of preventative interventions, Bond-Taylor/Somerville, Lincolnshire Youth Offending Service, 2011, £3,780

Evaluation of Families Working Together, Bond-Taylor/Somerville, Lincolnshire County Council, 2011/13, £23,020

Family support worker evaluation, Somerville/Maxwell, Lincolnshire Action Trust, 2008, £1,700

Racist incidents in schools, Somerville, Lincolnshire County Council, 2009, £5,000

Parenting and contact before and after separation, Haux, Nuffield Foundation, 2013/14, £57,681

Caring Together evaluation, Somerville/Bochel, Lincolnshire County Council, 2007/8, £2,000

Communities in Care, Hicks, AHRC, £31,409; Looking Back for the Future, Hicks, £19,544

Telling our Stories, Hicks, £37,886

On people with complex needs: Boston drugs project, Somerville/Jameson/Strudwick, Lincolnshire DAAT/Boston CSP, 2009/10, £10,000

Losing and finding a home: homelessness, multiple exclusion and everyday lives, Somerville, ESRC, 2009/12, £11,603 (out of total £163k led by University of Salford)

On older people: Community transport needs, Somerville/Alamanos, Lincolnshire County Council (Knowledge Exchange Funding), 2012/13, £30,000.


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Please feel free to contact our group directly with any queries regarding research and collaboration by using the form below.

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