“The overall focus of the Social Inclusion/ Exclusion group has been on research that can be used to support the empowerment of subaltern groups.”
– Prof Peter Somerville
Governance and Regulation | Global Civil Society and Human Rights | Pedagogy
> Social Inclusion/ Exclusion | Participation and Representation
[tabs][tab title=”Staff”][row][column size=”1/2″]
Dr Sundari Anitha
Senior Lecturer
Catherine Bochel
Principal Lecturer
Prof Hugh Bochel
Mrs Sue Bond-Taylor
Senior Lecturer
Dr Jan Dobbernack
Dr Tina Haux
Dr Leslie Hicks
Dr Ana Jordan
Senior Lecturer
Prof Steve McKay
Distinguished Professor in Social Research
Prof Carol Walker
Professor of Social Policy
Dr Andrew Wallace
Senior Lecturer
[tab title=”Research projects”]
South Asian women: Striking women: South Asian workers’ struggles in the UK labour market – from Grunwick to Gate Gourmet, Anitha, AHRC, 2012/13, £81,042
Transnational abandonment of South Asian women: a new form of violence against women, Anitha, British Academy, 2013/16, £29,172
Change Together, Anitha, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2010, £3,500 (out of total £20,000 led by Asha Projects).
On disadvantaged families and young people: Evaluation of preventative interventions, Bond-Taylor/Somerville, Lincolnshire Youth Offending Service, 2011, £3,780
Evaluation of Families Working Together, Bond-Taylor/Somerville, Lincolnshire County Council, 2011/13, £23,020
Family support worker evaluation, Somerville/Maxwell, Lincolnshire Action Trust, 2008, £1,700
Racist incidents in schools, Somerville, Lincolnshire County Council, 2009, £5,000
Parenting and contact before and after separation, Haux, Nuffield Foundation, 2013/14, £57,681
Caring Together evaluation, Somerville/Bochel, Lincolnshire County Council, 2007/8, £2,000
Communities in Care, Hicks, AHRC, £31,409; Looking Back for the Future, Hicks, £19,544
Telling our Stories, Hicks, £37,886
On people with complex needs: Boston drugs project, Somerville/Jameson/Strudwick, Lincolnshire DAAT/Boston CSP, 2009/10, £10,000
Losing and finding a home: homelessness, multiple exclusion and everyday lives, Somerville, ESRC, 2009/12, £11,603 (out of total £163k led by University of Salford)
On older people: Community transport needs, Somerville/Alamanos, Lincolnshire County Council (Knowledge Exchange Funding), 2012/13, £30,000.
[tab title=”Contact”]
Please feel free to contact our group directly with any queries regarding research and collaboration by using the form below.
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